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Oakwood Junior School

"Every child is a learner and can achieve"

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Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

The Following is an extract from the school's E-Safety policy.


Expectation for pupils using computing equipment


Oakwood Junior School recognises the importance of digital technologies in school. We also recognise the importance of the correct use of technology both in and out of school and the need to make clear the expectations of acceptable use.


The expectations of acceptable use are published on the School Website. All pupils are expected to follow the expectations.   If pupils do not follow the expectations they will be dealt with in line with the school Behaviour Policy.  All illegal activities will be reported to the Head teacher and if necessary to the local Safeguarding Children’s Board, Social Services or the Police.




To keep safe when using technology in or out of school

Children should:


·       Turn off devices when they have finished with them.

·       Take care of school equipment.

·       Tell an adult if they see or find something they are concerned about.


Children should NOT:


·       Download any apps or software on school equipment.

·       Tell anyone their usernames or passwords.

·       Give any personal information to another person. E.g. name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address.


Internet Use


·       Internet use at school is to support learning.

·       Children should only search for material agreed by adults.

·       Children should tell an adult if something appears that upsets them.


Social Networking and Cyber-bullying/Online Bullying


It is important that young people understand how to stay safe online. Children will be taught how to keep safe online and as they get older about the risks of some types of online behaviour.


·       At school access to social media sites is blocked.

·       Children are not permitted to have Oakwood Junior School staff as contacts on social networking sites out of school.


If incidents of cyber-bullying come to the attention of school, we have a duty of care to deal with it.  This is the case even if the cyber-bullying is taking place out of school.




We recommend that parents/carers also read this policy and ensure they understand it, discuss it with their child and understand consequences of not complying with the policy.


Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre provides useful guidelines and advice for teachers, parents and children. is the CEOP Centre’s online safety centre. Children will be taught about the CEOP report button and how to keep safe online.


To report a concern click on the CEOP report button here.