LESSON | TITLE | OVERVIEW (Social and emotional development learning intention) (OJS additional plans) |
1 | Rail Safety | https://switchedonrailsafety.co.uk/7-11-years/ |
2 | Personal learning goals | - I know my learning strengths and can set challenging but realistic goals for myself (e.g. one in-school goal and one out-of- school goal)
- I understand why it is important to stretch the boundaries of my current learning
3 | Steps to success | - I can work out the learning steps I need to take to reach my goal and understand how to motivate myself to work on these
- I can set success criteria so that I will know whether I have reached my goal
4 | My dreams for the world | - I can identify problems in the world that concern me and talk to other people about them
- I recognise the emotions I experience when I consider people in the world who are suffering or living in difficult situations
5 | Helping to make a difference | - I can work with other people to help make the world a better place
- I can empathise with people who are suffering or who are living in difficult situations
6 | Helping to make a difference | - I can describe some ways in which I can work with other people to help make the world a better place
- I can identify why I am motivated to do this
7 | Recognising our achievements | - I know what some people in my class like or admire about me and can accept their praise
- I can give praise and compliments to other people when I recognise their contributions and achievements