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Oakwood Junior School

"Every child is a learner and can achieve"

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Healthy Me

LessonTitleOverview (Social and emotional development learning intention)
  • I know the health risks of smoking and can tell you how tobacco affects the lungs, liver and heart
  • I can make an informed decision about whether or not I choose to smoke and know how to resist pressure
  • I know some of the risks with misusing alcohol, including anti-social behaviour, and how it affects the liver and heart
  • I can make an informed decision about whether or not I choose to drink alcohol and know how to resist pressure
3Emergency aid
  • I know and can put into practice basic emergency aid procedures (including recovery position) and know how to get help in emergency situations
  • I know how to keep myself calm in emergencies
4Body image
  • I understand how the media, social media and celebrity culture promotes certain body types
  • I can reflect on my own body image and know how important it is that this is positive and I accept and respect myself for who I am
5My relationship with food
  • I can describe the different roles food can play in people’s lives and can explain how people can develop eating problems (disorders) relating to body image pressures
  • I respect and value my body
6Healthy me
  • I know what makes a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and the choices I need to make to be healthy and happy
  • I am motivated to keep myself healthy and happy